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Lookout Below!

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Eberhart Lookout Point view of the canyon
Little River Canyon

Lookout Mountain. It's referenced in many magical song lyrics and the destination of those hungry for a little taste of the mountains. But did you know it's a region that stretches from Gadsden, Alabama to Chattanooga, Tennessee? Yes, I said Alabama. Who knew?

When many of us think about Lookout Mountain, our minds automatically go to

Chattanooga, but it's so much more than that. Beyond Tennessee, you will find beautiful canyons, rivers, and waterfalls nestled away in the landscape from northeastern Alabama through northwestern Georgia.

Popular waterfall in Desoto State Park
Desoto Falls

This summer, I took a trip to Fort Payne, Alabama, and the Chattanooga area with family. We love a good road trip and it was within a six hour drive for us. It was a trip that did not disappoint. We rented a spacious cabin from a local adventure company tucked nicely on the edge of Little River Canyon in the Lookout Mountain Region. We could walk across the road to overlook points for gorgeous selfie ops, which made my daughter pretty happy. Yep, she's of the selfie generation.

Canyon overlook for a selfie
Little River Canyon Overlook

Little River Canyon National Preserve and Congo Nature Preserve border each other with multiple hiking trails, ziplining, swimming holes, and waterfalls. All of the best outdoor activities you can imagine are here for you.

A word of caution -- many of the swimming spots require a bit of hiking down steep inclines, such as Eberhart Point

Overlook. Once you get to the bottom, the river is cool and clear, but the

hike down and up is not for the inexperienced, as I found out the hard way!

For those who prefer less of a hike, there are places such as Congo Falls within the Congo Nature Preserve which offer swimming closer to the parking area and with just a few steps down. You will have to purchase a day pass to swim, but it is easier than the hike of death we took at Eberhart Point. That's a joke...sort of.

If you don't mind something with a short walk, then Desoto Falls within Desoto State Park is a beautiful area to take a dip in the water or go for a hike. There is even a large waterfall for observing. There is no cost to enjoy! Eberhart Point that I mentioned earlier is free as well, except for the cost of your dignity and pride when you realize you should have worked out a little more before the trip. Lesson learned!

With all of the natural beauty of Little River Canyon and Fort Payne, no visit would be complete without stopping at the Alabama Fan Club and Museum which celebrates the band Alabama and their life in Fort Payne. I have been a long time fan, so you better believe that was on my list! The band members still reside in the area which makes it a little more special. If you are good with Google Maps and clues, you will find some other Alabama landmarks as well.

Alabama Fan Club and Museum in Fort Payne, AL
Alabama Fan Club and Museum

You will find that Fort Payne is larger than it appears. They do have a downtown area with various shops and restaurants as well as more larger, commercial areas. But, the natural views on the outskirts of town will draw you in by their beauty every time along with the friendly welcome you feel from the people who live there.

Chattanooga is roughly an hour's drive from Fort Payne, so it was an easy day trip to add. We spent most of our time in the St. Elmo Historic District. We weren't expecting to find ourselves right in the middle of the St. Elmo Corgi Parade! I'm pretty sure it was the cutest parade I have ever seen.

The fun didn't stop there! Across the street was the Naughty Cat Café. If you are ever in Chattanooga, be sure to stop by. Contrary to how it sounds, it isn't a strip club, as the sign outside states. It is a real café with drinks and snacks along with over 30 adoptable cats on any given day. I had never heard of such a thing! Since it was my daughter's birthday, she asked to go. We spent an hour just relaxing with the cats in several areas where they can roam. It is a worthy cause and the fee helps to support the kitties even if you don't adopt.

Our day would not have been complete without stops at Rock City Gardens or Ruby Falls. Actually, we had been to Ruby Falls on our last trip, but both are magnificent to see in person, so I'll tell you about both.

Lovers Leap at Rock City Gardens in Chattanooga
Rock City Gardens

Located on top of Lookout Mountain, Rock City is celebrating 90 years of sharing some of the most amazing natural rock formations and caves in the eastern United States. It also gives you a breathtaking view of seven states all at once. Pretty impressive!

As you walk through the gardens, you will see exhibits which have been built to accentuate the natural features. There is also an area devoted to fairy tales and gnomes scattered throughout the property to keeping you looking in every corner. It is a very busy place and they stagger the amount of visitors that enter at one time so be prepared for a short wait.

Ruby Falls welcome sign
Ruby Falls on Lookout Mountain

One of the most iconic attractions in Chattanooga is Ruby Falls. It is a maze of underground caves and caverns leading to a spectacular waterfall deep within. Words can't properly describe the beauty, but the walk in of over 1000 ft may not be for the claustrophobic. The lines inside don't move quickly and some walkways can be quite narrow, but you will be glad you went!

There are many other popular attractions in Chattanooga, but they would take up a whole blog post! We will save that for later and head back to Fort Payne to pack up for home.

Our trip was only a quick three night stay, but we packed as much in as we could. That seems to be our way. Before we ever leave, I am usually scouring the internet and Google Maps to be sure we see all that there is to offer. I love to learn about new places and see as much as I possibly can.

I hope that you find some ideas here that might help you in a visit to that area or maybe you learned about some place new to explore. Either way, I can't wait to share another adventure with you soon!


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